
Welcome to the Ravenclaw common room! These pages will contain mild to full spoilers in them. Please feel free to make your way around. These pages are all about the characters. I am going to vent my feelings of love or frustration about each one, just to warn you *grin* These are the ones we know (or have a pretty good idea of) were in Ravenclaw. Each house will also contain it's information on it. Enjoy your visit!

Ravenclaw Common Room

Fair Ravenclaw, from Glen,...
For Ravenclaw, the cleverest
Would always be the best;
-Sorting Hat
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
If you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind;
-Sorting Hat

FounderRowena Ravenclaw
ColorsBlue and Bronze
GhostThe Grey Lady?
Head of HouseProfessor Flitwick


Cho Chang
-She seems like a nice person. A little shy, but still able to get the guy. She's talented and a good flyer, so she's probably a pretty good student. Given the fact that she's in Ravenclaw, she's probably very smart as well. Seem a little perfect to you? I thought she and Cedric made a very nice couple. Poor Harry. I'm sure she'll be nice to him, but I don't think she'll ever want to see him romantically. She was very attached to Cedric by the end, and however deep that did or didn't go, Harry was involved (however unvoluntary) in his death. She probably would find that very difficult to overlook. She'll probably also find it hard to not compare anyone she goes out with to Cedric after this. He's going to be set up in her mind as the perfect example now, and tragedy tends to gloss over people's rougher edges. She might have a hard time really loving anyone for a while. She's Harry's first crush though, and so it's probably for the best that nothing will happen (I hope) because those situations almost never work out anyway. They can leave each other thinking only good of the other, and become friends leaving feelings to work themselves out opens the possiblity for the far future when they're both more ready for that sort of thing.
Luna Lovegood
-She is one of my very favorite characters! She is just so neat :) She's obviously got loads of self-esteem, and doesn't rely on the world to be her looking-glass. She's self-assured enough to have her own opinions, and views of the world, and to stick to them without the support of anyone else. She endures the ridicule of all those around her, and far from being bitter, she has a very optomistic and cheerful outlook towards others. She bears the persecution she receives from her peers and still has the integrity to stick to her beliefs, and defend them publicly. Her family obviously matters to her, as she is proud of her father and his paper, and she holds her mother in tender remembrance. She holds people in high priority, and prefers to focus on the positive in things. Her unabashed enthusiastic support of Quidditch shows her fun and spirited side. And her nonchalant acceptance of what will change, and trust in her fellow students to make amends and restore her belongings is just endearing. That she has suffered in her life, and learned some of the harder lessons while young is detectable in her demeanor, and her relating the tale of her mother, and the thestrals. She is one of the only other characters that comes close to understanding and sharing the experiences and feelings that Harry went through at the MOM, which is why I believe he felt comfortable sharing them with her. Also, he knew she wouldn't laugh or question him, but rather accept his feelings as real, whatever they may be. Luna is someone I wish I could have known, or been more like when I was going through school.
Micheal Corner
-He is not really around until the fourth book, and most prominantly in the fifth. He is the captain of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. He joins the DA, which makes me kind of like him, and he's dating Ginny, so that's cool. However, Cho informs us during the Valentine date that he asked her out, so either he'd broken up with Ginny by then, or he's a jerk. Whichever it is, we know he's emotionally insecure from what Ginny says about why they broke up (he couldn't handle being beat at QUidditch by his girlfriend)
Terry Boot
-Another member of the DA, and a little more loyal to Harry than Micheal is. We don't really know a lot about him, but he seems nice from what we know.

Ravenclaw Alumni

Professor Filius Flitwick
-I've always liked him. He seemed to be so truly interested in his specialty. He doesn't seem to have a lot of authority over the students, but I think that's because of his size more than anything else. In any case, he does teach more successfully than some of the teachers there, and his antics against Umbridge were hilarious.

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