A small and seemingly insignifigant shop swims into your view as you stride purposfully towards it from the busy London streets. A sign appears and the writing scrolls on as you strain your eyes towards it. It reads.."The Leaky Cauldron" Most people around you glance from the shop on one side, to the shop on the other, never registering that there is a pub in between. Shabby looking though it is, you open the door and go right on through greeting the barkeeper Tom as you pass. Behind the small pub a brick wall blocks your way until you take your wand out of it's hidden pocket, and tap it on the brick.
An archway appears, and before you lies Diagon Alley bustling with customers and interesting traffic. You'll have to decide where to go now as you browse through the most interesting shops in the world.
The Magical Menagerie Catch up on rumors and theories about what's going to happen in the books that run about the HP world. Pick out your pet here as well. |
The Daily Prophet Offices Ok, so we don't know that it's in Diagon Alley, but this is where it is here. Browse through some interesting debates I've had, and essays I've written on the Harry Potter universe and why things happen. |
Madame Malkin's Robe Shop Well, robes, art, whatever tickles your fancy. This is where I've chosen to display my artwork devoted to JKR's characters and series. |
Flourish and Blotts A great place to pick up any great read. Also where my fan fic is housed. All is HP related and all is rated G or PG. |
Gringotts Bank A great place to check in and exchange your muggle terms and money with wizard ones. I've defined all common shorthand terms and abbreviations here in an easy to find reference. |
Ollivander's Wands Come see who has what wand in the HP universe. Pick out a wand of your own. |
Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor All the shipping news, moments, and motives can be devoured here as you satisfy your craving for a delicious sweet treat. |
Please enjoy your visit and feel free to browse around at your leisure. But beware of taking and stealing images, and stories found within, because they are the express property of the parties who made them, and are copyrighted.
If you find an image that you would like to use, please email me and ask permission to use it. Don't STEAL! All persons muggle or wizard found stealing will be severely hexed and thrown into Azkaban without mercy.