Flourish and Blotts

A narrow doorway greets the entrance to one of the biggest shops in Diagon Alley. Once through the door, however, the entranceway opens up, and there are huge stacks of books everywhere. You browse through wondering if you'll need to go to Obscurus Books down the street to find the publication you need. However, a stack at the back of the shop grabs your attention. Maybe it was the singing book to the right, or perhaps it was the stack to the left that was jumping out at passing customers and yelling out passages from within. Whatever it was, you find a stack by the author Elujh Innermurk the author you were looking for. Gleefully you look through trying to decide which to buy.

Visions of Life
by Innermurk
An alternate viewpoint for PA. Specifically Lupin's viewpoint of Harry's third year at Hogwarts. Just what did Lupin really suffer through that year? How deep did Snape's antagonism really go? What were all those mysterious movements Lupin made? Spoilers for all books including OP.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
More coming soon
One shots
by Innermurk
A H/Hr one shot that describes Hermione's obssession with Harry. Includeds spoilers for the first five books. If you haven't read them, you probably wouldn't understand a lot of the subtleties in the story anyway. A slightly AU ending to OP. Also implies R/L. Dedicated to those who like my clam theory, and all the shippers of the HMS Pumpkin Pie.
Choosing a Portkey
by Innermurk
A one-shot supporting all Portkey ships. Enter with a sense of humor, and an open mind. This is meant to be humerous, and fun, with a lot of fluff at the end.
A Humble Love Story
by Innermurk
A one-shot fluff story that is set post-Hogwarts years. Harry and Hermione are married and Harry writes an article about how much he loves Hermione, and how they fell in love. This is sort of the companion to Hope in Harry's point of view.
The Christmas Gift
by Innermurk
A one-shot fluff story that feels like a trio fic. It's Christmas, and Harry's a mess preparing for the Last Battle. What can Hermione do to help? Will Harry be home for Christmas this year?
by Innermurk
A H/Hr one-shot in which the hero and heroine are mysteriously absent. Ron has always wanted to be a hero. Now that he finds out what that means, and he has the chance, will he? Ginny friendly.
Secrets of Immortality
by Innermurk
A post Hogwarts epic adventure. Voldemort is still on the rampage after Harry had to drop out of school his seventh year to fight Death Eaters, and keep his friends safe. Now Dumbledore and Harry are conspiring to rid the world of Voldemort's evil for once, and for all. A new spell, and some stunning and unforeseen side-effects combine to give Harry some deep insight into life as we know it.
Chapter 1 : Ultimate desire
More coming soon

The book in your hand screams in glee as you pay for your purchase and fight your way through the Hogwarts crowd back into the bustle and sun of Diagon Alley.

Diagon Alley The Magical Menagerie The Daily Prophet Offices Madame Malkin's Robe Shop Flourish and Blotts Gringotts Bank Ollivander's Wands

Please enjoy your visit and feel free to browse around at your leisure. But beware of taking and stealing images, and stories found within, because they are the express property of the parties who made them, and are copyrighted.

If you find an image or essay that you would like to use, please email me and ask permission to use it. Don't STEAL! All persons muggle or wizard found stealing will be severely hexed and thrown into Azkaban without mercy.